Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stay Menopause free with Bio identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Baby boomers on Menopause strike!

You are not alone, there are 78.2 million women suffering with the menopause in the US. Most of the women despite their acute health condition are reluctant to take the treatment. This is because the interlinked phenomena of aging and hormone replacement therapy and bio identical hormone treatment have brought thousands of products in the market. This confuses woman and thus, delays treatment Initiative.

Bio Identical replacement therapy

The other important factor becoming confusion for people is about the safety of the treatment. Admirer of bio identical hormone replacement therapy talks about the safe composition of the hormones on the grounds of natural composition that does not give side effects.

In the bio-identical hormone replacement therapy those plant sources are used, which have chemical structures alike the natural hormones produced by the body. The base to this idea is body cannot detect a difference between the natural hormones produced by ovaries and the new hormones induced, made from the plant extractions.

Bio Identical Hormones mimic the natural hormones

Bio identical hormones are supposed to mimic the natural hormones and the natural biological process. Perfect mimicry is possible only when hormones are dosed in the Biometric fashion to catch up with the natural hormones in the body.

There is an increased inclination for the bio identical hormone replacement therapy however, researches are in place to conclude the long term safety for women.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Happens When A Believer And Non Believer Dies

From this post people will know what happen when a believer dies and what happens when non believer dies. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said "Every soul shall taste death". Meaning that we all have to go through this initial pain, however, that will vary upon each individual. After death each soul will be in Barzakh, this is a place where souls stay before the Day of Judgment. For believers this place can be the best place and for non believers it can be worst. Two angels will come to each person and asks three questions… first question is who is your God? Second one is who is your Prophet? And the third question is what is your religion?
People will bear some consequences in the grave depending on how they lived their life. People who are believers can live in peace in the grave and the people who are non believers can bears consequences in their grave.
Everyone will be resurrected from their graves On the Day of Judgment. On this Day a mother would leave her crying infant baby to save herself. It is reported that man will say "Woe to me, if only I had believed the messengers..."
Muslims will stand behind Prophet Muhammad (SAW) because they followed him. Every person will be judged on every act they did in their lives and nothing will be left unturned and the whole of humanity will witness this.
And finally people will enter either in the Heaven or in Hellfire and if want to enter in the heaven then we have to do good deeds like we should offer prayer five times a day and spend time in recitation of Quran and also learn it with proper tajweed. Quran learning actually gives you reward from Allah not only in this life but the life here after.