As we ages, our hormonal levels started declining. There are ways you can restore your hormone levels in a natural way. You can control your hormonal imbalances, stress level, sleep patterns, cholesterol and sugar level in your body. But the question is how? You can keep your HGH levels maintained in a natural way.
Exercise, exercise, exercise
The first thing you must do, is t start a gym or to hit on the road or a jogging tract every morning or evening you must try to do exercise 40-60 minutes every day, this way you can control your weight and over all metabolism of your body.
Get adequate sleep
The fastest way to age pre maturely is when you do not take an adequate sleep. There is a strong link between growth hormone and melatonin. Melatonin is produced by pituitary glands which help to induce the sleep. When you upset this link it can lead to negative results on your body.
Support your liver
Sleeping late, eating chemical food and heavy drinking can cause your liver to upset. The herbal food that keeps your liver work perfectly is milk. Liver acts like a laboratory of your body and you needs t make it function properly.
Try fasting
It is not possible to list down all the benefit of fasting.This is not so popular but an effective way to control your growth hormone and make it work effectively.