Online auctions have become very much alive since past few years and people from all over the world are gravitating heavily towards online auctions. One particular type of online auction seems to attract majority of people’s attention quite conveniently, i.e. the penny auctions. This is because they claim to offer people quite expensive stuff for very low prices.
However, BBB (Better Business Bureau) has also received increasing number of complaints against many such self-acclaimed penny auction sites. Though not everything about penny auctions is false, but there are great chances of online fraud and mishandling of customers. To help people keep themselves safe from any such problematic situation, given below are some precautionary measures that BBB and the Federal Trade Commission greatly approves of:
- It is better to check penny auction site’s reputation by looking for it on the website of BBB (
- Confirming from other resources as well, when a person gets access to a penny auction site that looks fine to them, it is better to avoid bidding right away. One should keenly observe the proceedings of penny auction site for significant amount of time to get the best possible idea of how things proceed over there.
- According to confirmation from the sources of BBB, bidding only makes a person eligible to get an item (not necessarily getting it). So one should not develop any false presumptions
- It is greatly advised to stay away from anything with the likes of “free trial”, asking a person to share some credit card information
- The best thing is to make payment via credit card, so that if you do not get the desired delivery, the issue can be challenged through your credit card issuer
Remember, one is responsible for his own safety more than anyone else. You better think twice before doing anything on penny auction sites.
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